I finally decided to try Brazilian laser hair removal. These are my thoughts on the entire experience.
Let me start with a bit of TMI. When I was 12 and finally got permission from my parents to shave legs, it was the happiest day of my life.
By that time, I was in full puberty, and the dark crown of hair on my head caused an expected dark hair all over my body. I can’t explain why my parents were so against hair removal or why I didn’t shave secretly… But, at some point, I realized that I need to confront my parents to permit me shaving.
Ever since it’s happened, I would spend extra long hours in the bathroom, shaving from head to toe. Yep, face included!
My obsession with having smooth legs caused a family anecdote. Every time my parents were mad at me, they would say, “All you care in life is reading your stupid magazines and shaving your legs!”
Well, as we see now, there were not the worst hobbies in the world as I ended up having a career as a beauty blogger?
Long story short, I was always a fanatic of smooth skin, but I was also a sissy to going through a laser hair removal. I mean, who didn’t hear horror stories of girls who damaged their skin with such treatments? Or ladies who would rather give birth again than go through another route of a Brazilian laser hair removal treatment.
This summer, I learned that all my girlfriends tried laser treatments. I thought, how come I, a beauty blogger, never did the proper research and tried the lasers myself. At the end of the day, if it’s too painful, I could always stop the treatment, say “Thank you, but no — thank you” and go home.
When I started researching my options, Spark Laser Center reached out offering a complimentary service. I decided to go for it.
How to prepare for laser hair removal?
To say that I was nervous before the first treatment is to say nothing. I doubled or even tripled on coffee as I was getting ready for my first session of the Brazilian bikini laser.
As it turned out, it was not the best route at all as they recommend a glass of wine, so you feel relaxed for the procedure. But you know me, a girl can’t do it without a cup of a soy latte.
The night before the treatment, I shaved as instructed and didn’t use lotion.
When I arrived, I had a conversation with one of the SPA employees. She shared her story of how laser hair removal changed her life. Talking with that girl made me think of how much time (and money!) I spend on shaving. I mean, I’ve been doing it once a day since I was 12…
If everything goes well with a laser, I was thinking. I could preserve water, save time, and stop over-drying my skin.
Does laser hair removal hurt?
The treatment DID NOT HURT AT ALL!
It was so funny, the laser technician gave me a stress ball as I looked pretty nervous about the entire thing. But after a few “shots” of a laser, I left it behind and was saying, “That’s all? Where’s the pain? If it doesn’t hurt, does it mean that it doesn’t work?”
The procedure lasted 15 minutes at most. Part of that amount was me getting undressed and then putting my clothes back on.
Thoughts on Brazilian laser hair removal?
Laser hair removal turned out to be much less of a deal than I expected. One of my friends said the procedure was not generally painful, but in some regions, it hurt.
Please excuse this TMI, but she had a regular bikini laser hair removal instead of a Brazilian. Because the pain was so intolerable.
I went for the Brazilian laser hair removal option. And I didn’t feel any difference at all where the laser treatment was taking place. Do you know what I mean? Whether it’s closer to “there” or not, it all felt the same.
Perhaps, it has something to do with the fact that I have super dark hair and super pale skin. While my friend has a darker skin tone and lighter hair. I’ve seen online reviews saying that the color of your skin and hair might be an issue when it comes to the laser.
What are the post-treatment recommendations for laser hair removal?
Post-treatment care was the only somewhat inconvenient part of the entire procedure. Let me put it that way: you can’t shave at all for about two weeks after the treatment. It helps the aesthetician to see in which areas the treatment actually worked.
For some people, it might not be an issue at all. But I was “smart” enough to plan my laser treatment in summer, where I’m spending most of the time in the Hamptons in a bikini. Well, it turned out to be okay as I had to wear shorts anyway to prevent sun exposure to the areas of the treatment.
The weirdest part about my laser hair removal experience happened a few days after my appointment. One day I was taking a shower… and my hair started to fall out in patches.
When it happened, I completely forgot that I went through laser treatment. I sort of freaked out about what was happening with my health. But it turned out to be a good thing: my hair positively reacted to the procedure.
After that first fall out incident, I expected all the hair to do the same. But nope, I looked like a partly hairy, partly bold leopard until my touch-up appointment.
As I learned, Spark Laser Center is one of the rare centers that offer complimentary touch-ups. It means that you can come back and treat the hairy parts of the “leopard” for free.
Laser hair removal results: is it worth it?
A few words about the results. Even though I only had one treatment, my skin looks hairless and smooth like a baby butt after the treatment.
If you are a dark-haired girl like me, you know that you could still see your hair underneath your skin even when you are shaving (aka black dots). When you do a laser treatment, though, it’s not happening at all! Imagine a perfect, poreless, super smooth skin that you’ve always dreamed of. That’s exactly how it looks after the laser treatment!
As I write this post, I’m going through my calendar as I’m planning a full body laser scheduled for fall. During that season, I don’t need to worry about protecting my laser-treated skin from the sun.
After my laser hair removal experience, I can’t believe that I never pulled the plug and tried it before.
Seeing how much time my non-shaving routine saves me, I kind of start understanding my parents… Maybe they were saying that thing about my shaving addiction because there are better things in life to spend my time on?
Thank you for your honest review. I have always wanted to do this and when lasers first came out it was way to expensive. Hopefully now that the technology is more widespread I might be able to afford it. Fingers crossed
I really want to do this but I’ve been so scared of it hurting! Now I know that I MUST get this eventually! Sounds like a sure fire deal for us lazy ladies out there :P
xo, Kimberly
This is a really good review, and I was laughing my head off reading the first paragraph. Growing up in Romania I had to get permission from my mom to wax my legs as well, but she wouldn’t allow me to shave- reading this brought on so many memories lol
This is something that I’ve been thinking about for a long time but never took the plunge. I’m happy to hear that it’s not painful. Thanks for sharing!
So you go for touch ups but after that you never have to shave or get treatments again? That seems totally worth it!
I too had to ask for permission from my Mom to get waxed (shaving wasn’t encouraged) – It was not until I was 14-15 that I was allowed. I have had my under arms lazered but haven’t made the time for rest of the body. May it is time to change that.
❥ tanvii.com
I totally remember asking my parents for permission to shave as well. You aren’t the only one! I wouldn’t have guessed that laser hair removal doesn’t hurt – good to know!
I have been wondering how laser hair removal, and how it does. Thanks for the review!!!
I have been curious about laser hair removal but have been too scared to try it! I’m definitely reconsidering this after reading your post! Thank you for making it so informational!
I’m really into anything that reduces future stress for me and laser hair removal is a good option for that. nice post.